May 23Liked by Marisa

Happy writing birthday. So important.

Friends sustain and make you laugh and let you be just a bit more of yourself

Great Marisa

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Thank you for reading Maureen ❤️

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Beautiful. And all so true about writing! Love the Mount Rushmore thought. Well done for doing the thing. Keep doing the thing!!💪🏼💪🏼❤️❤️

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Writing is the art of keeping writing - you say so much here that cuts to the heart of it, that articulates why I write and why I keep going. Thank you!

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Thank you for reading & the kind words Bonnie!

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I really needed this today, Marisa, thank you. I often find it easy to lose sight of why I'm writing Crib Notes these days; it's been around for five years now and in that time i've built up a modest but pretty devoted readership, but it sometimes feels hard to not to be disheartened now that everyone has a newsletter! I often feel like I can't remember why I'm doing it/what makes it special --- and I know I will never be able to achieve the twice weekly output that so many others seem to have. I definitely notice less immediate engagement now, and I suppose that's because all of us are subscribed to so many things now. BUT, I loved your thoughts on newsletters -- so helpful to be reminded about that dance between doubt and self-belief; and to just keep writing honestly, and to keep doing it for myself.

Happy WAW worth birthday. Keep doing what you are doing, Marisa xxx

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Thank you for such kind and generous words, Elizabeth! And I know exactly what I mean. It’s so easy to get lost in the slog of it, and feel utterly overwhelmed by the thousands of other newsletters, questioning the whys and the what’s the points. Most days I think the skill is to push on (as long as you can financially/practically etc) but I think it’s also worth taking stock every now and then. We’re a culture obsessed with numbers - number of views, number of likes, of subscribers etc. but you’ve created something of great value to many people, and presumably, something you enjoy doing (for the most part!). I think it’s so important to remind ourselves not just of the whys but also what success means to us individually. Keep on keeping on xxxx

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Thank you SO much for this incredibly thoughtful reply 💕 You're SO SO right about being obsessed with numbers, and I've always tried to get not too swept up in the Substack 'build your following' hype but its definitely not easy! At the same time, it's so nice to find words on here by so many like-minded women with reassuring, creatively invigorating things to say! xxx

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Happy writer birthday Marisa - it really is an achievement to be celebrated. I was literally talking with my oldest friend on the phone last night about how I sometimes feel like I’m writing into a void and how I’m struggling to reach those who my newsletter is meant for. Your wise words on writing were just what I needed to read thank you for your vulnerability ❤️

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