I’m 35 without a license and I had given up on the idea but I know it’s something I need to do. I have two kids and life without driving is shall we say inconvenient. I’m sure you know the struggles.

I feel like I am the one person who can’t be taught and it would take me too long and cost too much money, but you’ve inspired me. It’s the freedom that I want. Maybe I’ll get there eventually.

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Just had the sandbox moment at the library. She seemed so put together and polished, until my kid dropped his Lego pieces into her hand and I noticed her fingers look like mine: dry skin, brittle nails. And suddenly we were the same exhausted, manual labourer moms.

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Morning, thanks for this beautiful writing. I especially felt the paragraph on the sandbox. I love how we can share in this way with another woman we don't know. I felt like I was there! I passed my test when I was 40 - I just did the automatic one, to make life easier (and while I don't have an electric car today, I'm assuming we're all heading that way so automatic makes even more sense than it did then). One lovely girlfriend was particularly kind in going out with me to practice manoeuvres 💕. I've never regretted it and when my husband died 2 years later, I was very very grateful to be able to support my boys in this way. I still default to walking or trains wherever possible though, my non-driving years have remain very formative. I'm always here for any women who do the driving thing later - so many congrats Marissa xxxx

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